Download SoftMaker Office NX

SoftMaker Office

Get the latest SoftMaker Office NX now

You can try SoftMaker Office NX free of charge for 30 days.
If you would like to continue using it, you will then need a product key, which you can purchase in the SoftMaker Shop.


  • SoftMaker Office NX can only be used with an NX product key.
  • SoftMaker Office 2024 can only be used with a 2024 product key.

Thus, always install the software that you have purchased.

System requirements

Windows: Windows 11, 10, 8, 7 and Windows Server as of 2008 R2.

Compatible with Remote Desktop Services (RDS, Terminal Server) and Citrix Virtual Apps (XenApp).

Mac: macOS 10.14 or later

Linux: Any x64 Linux

Android: Android 9 or higher

iOS: iOS 14 or higher